Mary Baxter, PhD

Akashic Records Course

Basic & Advanced

I love this. I live for this. This is what I do. Your intuition will expand as your intellectual side learns to lean in and cooperate with the truth and accuracy that can only be found through your use of positive intuition.

There is a video class, workbook, and homework for each area listed below that we cover, including demonstrations of the reading and new information as it comes. (It's so interesting right now (2023) that much new information is coming through. Times are changing.)

You will need to take all the basic classes/modules in order. This core knowledge and practice is what opens up all the advanced level readings and clearings you will want to do.

I will meet with you personally, one-to-one, throughout the course to make sure you are progressing, getting through any blockages that come up, and keeping you clear and shielded while you learn.

Adam will help you, too, if you want to get a business going. You can work from anywhere and at any time, helping people recover from soul level trauma and stress. The more we do this for others, the more it happens for ourselves.

This is what we will cover:

Introduction to the Akashic Records; Setting Sacred Space

Pendulum Dowsing & Muscle Testing

The Core Soul Essence

The Sacred Energy Realms

Calibrations, Dimensions & Color Rays

Soul Groups - Soul Ships

Soul Groups - Physical Ships & Others

Soul Characteristics

Soul Clearing Diagnostics

Soul Clearing & Shielding

Property Clearing

Start & Run Your Akashic Business with Adam Ouellette - includes his courses: Be Your Own Boss and The Ideal Client Formula


Past Life Readings

Introduction to Spirit Guides

Relationship Readings

Communicating with Guides

Communication with Animals

Akashic Consulting & Counseling

Situational Clearing

The Primary Chakra System

Chakra Diagnostics

Chakra Healing & Re-balancing

Communication with Loved Ones On the Other Side

Full Enrollment Fee $3,700

© 2023 Mary Baxter, PhD