The Magic and Mystery of Pendulum Dowsing: Unraveling the Unknown

Unseen forces. Hidden answers. A trembling line between reason and the ethereal. This is the world of pendulum dowsing—a practice that has been veiled in mystery and misunderstood by the skeptics. This is your gateway into the Akashic Records..

The Enigmatic History of Dowsing

We begin with the origins—the cryptic art of dowsing. Imagine an ancient time, when humans remembered that water is life, and the unseen is a part of everyday life. Shamans, wise men, and seers used pendulums, not as a mere tool but as a bridge into the unknown, to find water sources or to heal. Fast forward to the middle ages, when pendulum dowsing was linked with witchcraft and suppressed. Yet, its essence survived, transcending time and culture to be embraced by spiritual seekers in this New Age.

Understanding the Pendulum's Dance

To dowse is to move with intuition—often with a weighted string and crystal or metal tip that swings to reveal answers. The principles behind it are as complex as they are simple. Skeptics may dismiss it as the the mind influencing involuntary muscle movement, but to practitioners, they are in tune with energetic vibrations, the electrical system within them, and open to communication.

Pendulums May Vary

Some choose special ones for healing and communication, or are guided to select a specific personal pendulum. Their material, be it quartz, amethyst, metal or wood, is said to hold unique properties that resonate with different aspects of our lives. How and why does a pendulum respond? It is just like the tales of old, through the sensitive thread of energy that connects all things through the Akashic Field, the Akashic Records.

Benefits Beyond the Swing

The attraction of pendulum dowsing seems to lie in its versatility. Seekers turn to it for personal growth, in healing practices, and as an oracle for decision-making. It is a beacon in the darkness of uncertainty. The pendulum acts an an anchor, as we voyage into the stormy seas of our own psyche.

Imagine a tool that could reveal your next step in the intricate dance of life—be it finding one's purpose, clearing obstacles to health, or simply glimpsing into the enigma that is the self. It's no surprise that many flock to this ancient practice, seeking its wisdom.

Practical Applications: The Real-World Impact

The anecdotal evidence is staggering. How many have used their pendulums to locate lost objects and had them return as if magic were at play? Or, utilized it for chakra balancing—feeling the subtle energy as the pendulum hovers over energy centers, bringing alignment and peace. Even more, in home and personal space, eliminating negative energy in unseen corners.

You may be skeptical, I can tell. But here's the thing about dowsing—it's not always about proof. It's about experience.

Mastering the Dance with the Pendulum

For an experience this deep, it's important to treat pendulum dowsing with care and understanding. Here are a few steps to get you started:

Before you begin, clear the space, inner and outer. Your energy influences the pendulum.

Frame Your Questions: It's not just about asking questions but about asking the right questions.

Bond with Your Pendulum: It's an extension of you. Cleanse it, charge it, and imbue it with your intention.

Our book, Getting Started with Your Pendulum, is a thorough guide.

A Conclusion, or the Start of a New Conversation?

In the end, the pendulum's truth is a personal one. To some, it's a divining tool for the soul, and to others, a psychological phenomenon. But to all who dare to dowse, the real magic lies in the act itself—reaching out to the unknown and finding a reflection of our own inner truth.

If you're a practitioner, continue your explorations with newfound vigor. If you're a skeptic, consider this an invitation to a world that dances on the edge of the unexplained. For there are doors to perception that stand ajar, offering a glimpse of the extraordinary.

The pendulum is a key to these doors. It was the key for me to open the Akashic Records. Will you be bold enough to use it? The beauty of life's dance is in the steps taken, the questions asked, and the mysteries unraveled.

Welcome to the realm of pendulum dowsing, the uncharted, the uncertain, and the undiscovered. The power to move mountains—or, at the very least, chart a path through the mist—is in your hands. Or rather, in the hands of those who seek, question, and ultimately, believe.

Your Personal Gemstone Pendulum

This treasure includes : 

Your Personalized Pendulum - (In your order, note a gemstone color theme, gold or silver)

Getting Started With Your Pendulum - Paperback

Getting Started With Your Pendulum - Video Course (download)

Your Silk Dowsing Cloth

(A $181 value)

Order Your Personal Pendulum, Book & Video Class for : $107 

Getting Started with your Pendulum

This book will guide you step-by-step through everything you need to know to become confident in your pendulum dowsing. You will learn what intuition is and the science behind it, how to select your pendulum, bless and cleanse your pendulum, train your pendulum, how to ask clear questions, and ideas to get you started.  Check out the companion video course below!

Purchase Paperback on Amazon:  $5.99


Each of our pendulums is made by hand when you order. We work with 14k gold filled and sterling silver metals.

When you have placed your order, I will reach out to finalize your pendulum design!

Below are some commissioned pieces -

Rubies, & Herkimer Diamond

Really love searching for these special gemstone center pieces.

Akashic Pendants

I love these. They are wonderful treasures to gift your special loved ones, young and old. (The little ones were the inspiration for me!) Not everyone is ready for pendulum dowsing, but we are all ready to feel the healing beauty of gemstone energy!

Akashic Readings & Clearings